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Jesus, Mary and Joseph,

a Family for families


The Church proposes the Holy Family of Nazareth as a model for all families. In the Holy Family of Nazareth we encounter the example of a man and father (Joseph), the example of a woman and mother (Mary) and the example of a person and son (Jesus). These are different ways of participation in God's plan of salvation but the three of them convey a testimony a deep communion of life and love.  The harmony and joy of Jesus, Mary and Joseph do not depend on the roles (jobs) of each member, but rather on the love that brought them together. This love is not only human but also divine in its universality and mystery.


The testimony of life and sacrifice the Holy Family is proposed for everyone without exception. Because of this, the Holy Family is not just a model for some families, but for the whole Church: a family of families. 


The spirituality of the Holy Family has been proposed as the model for religious communities. Thus, Jesus, Mary and Joseph accept God’s plan and they carry it out through obedience, chastity and poverty. However, the Holy Family cannot be reduced to being the model only for consecrated life. God makes himself present in the household of Joseph of Nazareth so that all families can experience the nearness of God. The Holy Family Association proposes the spirituality of the Holy Family as a way of life and a source of inspiration to face our common fears, challenges, joys and sorrows.


The first challenge of the Holy Family Association is to present the Holy Family as a model of family and human relationships to all families and to the Church. One cannot love whom one does not know and the Holy Family of Nazareth is a great unknown to many Christian families.

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