On July 25, 1920, the first Sons of the Holy Family embarked on their journey to the lands of North America. Here they would now establish themselves and carry out their Nazarene commitment to further the Christian formation and education of children and youth, as well as to renew Christian marriage and family life in the home through devotion to and following of the Holy Family of Nazareth Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
Gathered in the School-Novitiate House of St. Andrew of Palomar, Barcelona (Spain), a solemn celebration of the Eucharist took place with Father Salvador Gené, the superior of the new missionary group, acting as the main celebrant and assisted by his two companions, Fathers John Massó and Joseph Ruensa.
Following the Mass, there was exposition of the Blessed Sacrament with the customary prayers and then the imposition of the missioner´s cross on each member of the group by the Superior General, Father Luis Tallada. In his brief but inspiring exhortation he reminded each one of the sacred task that was being entrusted to them and of the good that would result to the Congregation and the Church because of the totally wholehearted sacrifice they were again making of their lives to the honor and glory of the Holy Family of Nazareth. He encouraged them to suffer willingly for Christ crucified all privations and hardships associated with a new life in a foreign land and to remain ever loyal and steadfast in their Nazarene dedication to the needed upbuilding of Christian family life in the home, in the school and parish, as well as in society.
Moments before leaving the official residence of the Institute, each member of the group again bade farewell to his fellow religious and lifelong companions within an atmosphere of deep “family” togetherness. They were accompanied to the Barcelonian harbor by the Superior General and a few other religious. Just before boarding the ship “Montevideo,” again they embraced in a warm, final but hope-filled farewell. Soon thereafter the ship weighed anchor and began its ocean voyage that would take them to their new destiny with God´s family in a distant land.
After arriving in New York, they continued on their pilgrim way until coming to the end of their journey: the dry and arid but enchanting lands of New Mexico.